Cratos Equipment Expands Their Operations Into Canada

12.07.23 04:49 PM By Cratos

Cratos Equipment Believes in Canada

Cratos Equipment opened for business in 2013 in the United States. 10 years later, and Cratos Equipment has gone international by expanding into the Canadian market. This effort is being led by Cratos Equipment’s new Sales Manager Greg Hamilton from Toronto, Canada.
“Cratos battery powered equipment is a leap forward for many in the construction industry and being part of that movement is an exciting opportunity,” Greg explained. He has 15 years of construction equipment sale experience in Canada, and prides himself on working hard to fill the needs of customers. 
Cratos has developed relationships with multiple rental houses & suppliers in the Canadian market this year. “Having an active presence in Canada is a necessary move to have active relationships with our Canadian partners,” said Bob Maguire, President of Cratos Equipment. He added, “Our goal is to make our presence known in each Canadian province, & to be able to serve them effectively.”
Cratos has partnered with Cavalier Industries LTD to assist our efforts to grow in Canada, where there is a long cultural acceptance of electric/ environmentally friendly products, & athe number of growing cities in Canadian provinces. 


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